May 30, 2009


So here is the proof that I really Graduated! Today was the commencement ceremony that lasted 3 hours, a pretty long procession. Now the funny thing about my specific degree is that there are not many of us (as in 4) in the program. So, as they had each area of degrees; B.A, B.S, MA, MBA etc..  stand in turn and move the tassel from the right to left we realized that there was only the 4 of us with the BFA and that we would really have some time in the lime light as we were the smallest group there to walk across the stage.

This is the aftermath shots of all those supportive family members that could tough out the ceremony. Tonight we are packing and leaving for Armenia tomorrow morning until the 19th of June so you will have to check out the Armenian adventures that are soon to come!

May 27, 2009

Pirate's Cove

Before Graduation and our trip to Armenia we were able to sneak away to Pirate's Cove for the week to catch some sun and build our business with scheduled meetings everyday.
I may have not done as much business as I could have... you're all secretly calling me a slacker

I just had to put this in because one of my most favorite things about Derek is the amount of creativity he puts into everything he does, even turning his watermelon slice into a perfect rendition of Delicate Arch.

This trip Derek showcased his diving skillz but to add to the entertainment a few friends came over to dive who are currently divers in the Cirque du Soleil show O.  We captured them live because it was so impressive

It was one of the most business oriented trips that we have had so there are not many shots of the action but as always the cove never disappoints 

May 7, 2009

Feather Your Nest

Now that school is out we can take off in the middle of the week down to St. George, but when we got there we found that something had taken over the Entrada house. Birds! They mistook the red stucco to be the red cliffs that they usually build their nests on. They started to build their nests along the stucco of the exterior wall by the pool so as you walk outside there are swarms of birds flying overhead that fly at you kamikaze style.

You can see in the last picture that they have big plans to fill the whole wall by the line of mud connecting the two sections of nests.

May 4, 2009

Schools Out for the Summer

We are out of our minds excited to be done with school, Derek finished his first and me my last year at Westminster! 

 Now the question everyone asks me is, "What's next?"  At first I applied to the U for grad. school but as soon as I did I dreaded the idea.  I still want to expand my educational horizons so I will be attending cooking school, with the hopes of fattening Derek up.

 I also got an art studio (making me official) at the Rockwood Studios in Sugarhouse and I am in the process of decorating it, hence the bare entry way so stay tuned for the finished product.

Derek is working hard to build our NuSkin business full time, something he has been looking forward too. Our goal is to be Blue Diamonds by our Armenia trip on May 31st. He is the incredible mastermind behind it all and I am the demo girl who uses the products, as seen by my  scanner score below! 67,000!

This is going to be what Derek does 24/7 this month, but I've found that doing calls has its benefits as his hands need to stay occupied so the yard is looking fabulous! 

With school finished  we can now pull the house together the first thing being a porch going up this month so the door that leads no where will be a problem solved! 
I didn't dare take a picture of the backyard...