Jun 24, 2011

1 Month

Wow time is flying! You are already 1 month old and onto bigger and better things, OK it's still mainly sleeping and eating but soon you'll be onto new things. . . or so the baby books say.

We have many nick names for you but the two that are the most widely used are PB&J and I have taken to calling you bug-a-boo a lot these past few weeks.

You like to make noise constantly (even when you are sleeping) and the most common noise you make is a series of little squeaks! We jokingly say we have a mouse in the house now,especially at night when we are trying to sleep and we can here you in the other room squeaking away into the night.

You are now a studio baby and like to hang in your bouncy chair-squeaking-while I paint

Also this last month I have caught you sucking your two middle fingers! I was a big time thumb sucker and know how habit forming it can be :)

Deja seems to not mind you all that much. She loves to give kisses and when we let her give you baby kisses you open your mouth real wide . . . It is kinda disturbing

Your two talents are squeaking and sucking on anything near your mouth.
Dad thinks it's hilarious to trick you when you are hungry by putting his nose near your mouth which you furiously try eating

So there it is a little re-cap of your one month life accomplishments

Jun 14, 2011

Two weeks

Here you are sweet wittle man at the 2 week mark. Life with you as a newborn has been exciting, exhausting, lovable, loud, overwhelming, and unforgettable. I am loving us and our daily routine we are in.

I frequently sing made up songs to you, the most frequent being your milk face song which is a knock off of a hit song, but it goes a little something like-"Your milk face brings all the girls to the yard and they're like it's better than yours ect... or I have a fussy face song that is sung to the random tune of the South Pacific "Happy Talk" and it goes a little something like this- "fussy fussy fussy face. Talk about things you like to fuss about. You like to fuss a lot cause if you don't fuss a lot how we going to make your dreams come true" There are several verses and I am pretty sure you think I am the cookiest person around.

Any ways you are growing up fast and have already gained a pound and grown an inch but you are still not quite big enough to fit into more than 5 outfits :)

And thank you Toni for helping us capture your little baby face!

had to post one of our first baby Deja

Jun 3, 2011

P.B and J (Porter Baby Jr)

I am out of apps that compare you to food on a weekly basis so we started calling you PB & J for Porter baby Jr because after 9 months I still feel the need to compare you to food I guess. I plan on telling your birth story, of our 18 hour labor and delivery that lead to your 5.6 tininess with all 10 fingers and toes! Yay! but we spent the last 9 months documenting your growth and our desire to nest in a video that is now finally complete, just like you